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Tenax Geogrid

TENAX dengan pengalamam 25 tahun terbukti berhasil membuktikan material Geogrid Tenax efektif mengatasi problem konstruksi di atas tanah lunak. 

TENAX Geogrid memberi perkuatan pada tanah granular sehingga konstruksi dapat dibangun dengan aman, cepat dan ramah lingkungan.



Material fill granular yang digelar diatas TENAX LBO geogrids, akan masuk kedalam bukaan geogrid sehingga terkunci dan terjadi mekanisme interlocking sehingga transfer beban kerja ke geogrid menjadi maksimal. Mekanisme interlocking menahan beban lateral yang mana akan meningkatkan performa lapis perkerasan dan mengurangi settlement. 

Konsep ini menjadi awal tim R&D Tenax untuk mengembangkan produk baru yang inovatif yaitu Geogrid 3D (3 dimensi) yang memaksimalkan mekanisme interlocking antara geogrid dan material timbunan. 


TENAX 3D Grids dikembangkan untuk pemakaian di area yang lebih menantang. Tenax 3D di disain untuk menahan gaya lateral yang lebih tinggi dari produk geogrid biasa. 

TENAX 3D Grid XL is manufactured from a unique extrusion technique resulting in a perforated Polypropylenes sheet that is specifically sahped in three directions (3D). This special extruision technique produces a particularly large concaved shaped rib thereby trapping stone particles within the large apertures and enhancing the interaction mechanism between geogrids and granular soils.

TENAX 3D Grid has been designed for use with finer soils and include multiple geogrid layes through which the interlocking mechanism can develop thus preventing further horizontal displacements.

TENAX 3D Grid MS is manufactured from a unique extrusion technique forming a multi-layered product having a network of multiple connections thereby enhancing the interaction properties of the geogrids when used with finer soils.

TENAX LBO SAMP bi-oriented geogrids
TENAX LBO SAMP geogrids are specifically designed for the stabilization and the reinforcement of soil. TENAX LBO SAMP geogrids are manufactured from polypropylene (PP), produced by a patented extrusion method and successively biaxially drawn to increase their tensile characteristics. ?TENAX LBO SAMP geogrids have an elevated tensile modulus and optimal construction damage resistance during installation. Interlocking of the aggregate within the apertures allows for the effective confinement and reinforcement of the soil
TENAX TT SAMP mono-oriented geogrids
TENAX TT SAMP geogrids are manufactured by extruding and mono-directional drawing of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) grids. This technology produces products having important technical properties that permit their usage in structural applications.?TENAX TT SAMP geogrids, being chemically inert and having a high tensile strength and modulus are specifically produced for the reinforcement of soil. Soil and aggregate interlock within the geogrid openings, which, confine the soil and limit its relative displacements and increase the soil’s shear stress resistance.
TENAX GT geocomposites

TENAX GT is a polypropylene (PP) geocomposite designed specifically for the stabilization of soils where a both a reinforcing action as well as the separation between a granular base and very fine soil is required. Laminating a nonwoven geotextile to a TENAX LBO SAMP geogrid produces the TENAX GT geocomposite.

TENAX GT has both a high tensile strength and modulus of elasticity, exceptional construction damage resistance during installation, and excellent resistance to atmospheric agents. Furthermore, the geometry of the TENAX GT geocomposite permits a strong interaction with the soil being reinforced, complete separation of the different soil types, and an effective filtering action.

Applications such as:


  • Landslide Stabilization
  • Railway Embankment
  • Retaining Wall
  • Rockfall Protection
  • Slope Enlargement
  • Sound barrier
  • Waste Ladfill


  • Embankment Foundation
  • Paved Road
  • Permanent Road
  • Railroad
  • Runway


Sedia Geogrid di Indonesia. Pusat Geogrid. Aman untuk semua projek dan jalan di Indonesia

Untuk semua lokasi seluruh Indonesai

Please call 021 5882253 

  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid
  • Tenax Geogrid

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